Comments from Parents of 2012 Viola Intensive Participants
"The chance for (my son) to work with such high caliber, caring instructors was worth its weight in gold for me!"
"My daughter participated in the program and it truly changed her life. She came home a better musician, but more importantly, filled with a sense that she could 'be a violist.' Building confidence in a child, who does not come by it naturally, is a daunting undertaking and a blessed thing when it takes seed; I thank you for this opportunity and outcome."
Comments from 2012 Viola Intensive Participants
"The Faculty were amazing and gave great feedback."
"Totally worth it!"
"The mock auditions were very helpful in showing me what to expect and what to work on."
"It was great because I got to really think about my playing and step back from the work I've done this semester and really evaluate it."
"I really liked being able to record and get immediate feedback to know how to improve. It was much more productive than recording by myself, plus I had a pianist, a good space and a good recording device."
"I really needed a "refresher" after Winter Break, and now I have so many new ideas to incorporate into my playing."
"The meditation and yoga sessions at the beginning of the workshop helped me to be more ready to learn. I was able to focus more easily on the tasks at hand."
"I learned a ton in the guided practice sessions."
"It was really inspiring to hear so many other violists play. I learned so much and this experience was very valuable."